Arnulf Deppermann

List of John Benjamins publications for which Arnulf Deppermann plays a role.


Book series

Meaning in Interaction: Studies in memory of Jack Bilmes

Edited by Arnulf Deppermann and Elwys De Stefani

Special issue of Interactional Linguistics 3:1/2 (2023) v, 177 pp.

OKAY across Languages: Toward a comparative approach to its use in talk-in-interaction

Edited by Emma Betz, Arnulf Deppermann, Lorenza Mondada and Marja-Leena Sorjonen

Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Gesture Studies | Pragmatics

Temporality in Interaction

Edited by Arnulf Deppermann and Susanne Günthner

Subjects Pragmatics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Deppermann, Arnulf 2024 What do you understand by X? Semantics in Interactional LinguisticsNew Perspectives in Interactional Linguistic Research, Selting, Margret and Dagmar Barth-Weingarten (eds.), pp. 103–131 | Chapter
This chapter discusses major developments in the field of Interactional Semantics. After locating Interactional Semantics within the study of semantics and introducing major contributions to the field, two approaches for studying semantics in interaction are exemplified: The study of… read more
In social interaction, different kinds of word-meaning can become problematic for participants. This study analyzes two meta-semantic practices, definitions and specifications, which are used in response to clarification requests in German implemented by the format Was heißt X (‘What does X… read more
Deppermann, Arnulf and Elwys De Stefani 2023 Meaning in interactionMeaning in Interaction: Studies in memory of Jack Bilmes, Deppermann, Arnulf and Elwys De Stefani (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Editorial
This editorial to the Special Issue on “Meaning in Interaction” introduces to the approach of Interactional Semantics, which has been developed over the last years within the framework of Interactional Linguistics. It discusses how “meaning” is understood and approached in this framework and… read more
Betz, Emma and Arnulf Deppermann 2021 Chapter 3. OKAY in responding and claiming understandingOKAY across Languages: Toward a comparative approach to its use in talk-in-interaction, Betz, Emma, Arnulf Deppermann, Lorenza Mondada and Marja-Leena Sorjonen (eds.), pp. 55–92 | Chapter
OKAY originates from English, but it is increasingly used across languages. This chapter presents data from 13 languages, illustrating the spectrum of possible uses of OKAY in responding and claiming understanding in contexts of informings. Drawing on a wide range of interaction types from both… read more
Schegloff (1996) has argued that grammars are “positionally-sensitive”, implying that the situated use and understanding of linguistic formats depends on their sequential position. Analyzing the German format Kannst du X? (corresponding to English Can you X?) based on 82 instances from a large… read more
Deppermann, Arnulf and Lorenza Mondada 2021 Chapter 2. Data and methods used in the study of OKAY across languagesOKAY across Languages: Toward a comparative approach to its use in talk-in-interaction, Betz, Emma, Arnulf Deppermann, Lorenza Mondada and Marja-Leena Sorjonen (eds.), pp. 29–51 | Chapter
In this chapter, we overview the specificity of comparisons made within the perspective of Conversation Analysis (CA), and we position them in relation to other fields. We introduce the analytical mentality, methodology, and procedures of CA, and we show how we used it for the analysis of OKAY in… read more
Helmer, Henrike, Emma Betz and Arnulf Deppermann 2021 Chapter 12. Coordination of OKAY, nods, and gaze in claiming understanding and closing topicsOKAY across Languages: Toward a comparative approach to its use in talk-in-interaction, Betz, Emma, Arnulf Deppermann, Lorenza Mondada and Marja-Leena Sorjonen (eds.), pp. 363–393 | Chapter
Our paper examines how bodily behavior contributes to the local meaning of OKAY. We explore the interplay between OKAY as response to informings and narratives and accompanying multimodal resources in German multi-party interaction. Based on informal and institutional conversations, we describe… read more
This paper studies practices of indexing discrepant assumptions accomplished by turn-constructional units with ich dachte (‘I thought’) in German talk-in-interaction. Building on the analysis of 141 instances from the corpus FOLK, we identify three sequential environments in which ich dachte is… read more
Proske, Nadine and Arnulf Deppermann 2020 Chapter 10. Right-dislocated complement clauses in German talk-in-interaction: (Re-)specifying propositional referents of the demonstrative pronoun dasEmergent Syntax for Conversation: Clausal patterns and the organization of action, Maschler, Yael, Simona Pekarek Doehler, Jan K. Lindström and Leelo Keevallik (eds.), pp. 275–302 | Chapter
This contribution deals with right-dislocated complement clauses with the subordinating conjunction dass (‘that’) in German talk-in-interaction. The bi-clausal construction we analyze is as follows: The first clause, in which one argument is realized by the demonstrative pronoun das (‘this/that’),… read more
This paper studies how the turn-design of a highly recurrent type of action changes over time. Based on a corpus of video-recordings of German driving lessons, we consider one type of instructions and analyze how the same instructional action is produced by the same speaker (the instructor) for the… read more
Deppermann, Arnulf and Jürgen Streeck 2018 The body in interaction: Its multiple modalities and temporalitiesTime in Embodied Interaction: Synchronicity and sequentiality of multimodal resources, Deppermann, Arnulf and Jürgen Streeck (eds.), pp. 1–30 | Chapter
Zinken, Jörg and Arnulf Deppermann 2017 Chapter 2. A cline of visible commitment in the situated design of imperative turns: Evidence from German and PolishImperative Turns at Talk: The design of directives in action, Sorjonen, Marja-Leena, Liisa Raevaara and Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen (eds.), pp. 27–63 | Chapter
In the management of cooperation, the fit of a requested action with what the addressee is presently doing is a pervasively relevant consideration. We present evidence that imperative turns are adapted to, and reflexively create, contexts in which the other person is committed to the course of… read more
Deppermann, Arnulf 2015 Retrospection and Understanding in InteractionTemporality in Interaction, Deppermann, Arnulf and Susanne Günthner (eds.), pp. 57–94 | Article
This paper shows how understanding in interaction is informed by temporality, and in particular, by the workings of retrospection. Under­standing is a temporally extended, sequentially organized process. Tempo­rality, namely, the sequential relationship of turn positions, equips partici­pants with… read more
Deppermann, Arnulf and Susanne Günthner 2015 Introduction: Temporality in interactionTemporality in Interaction, Deppermann, Arnulf and Susanne Günthner (eds.), pp. 1–24 | Article
The authors establish a phenomenological perspective on the temporal constitution of experience and action. Retrospection and projection (i.e. backward as well as forward orientation of everyday action), sequentiality and the sequential organization of activities as well as simultaneity (i.e.… read more
Deppermann, Arnulf 2014 Multimodal participation in simultaneous joint projects: Interpersonal and intrapersonal coordination in paramedic emergency drillsMultiactivity in Social Interaction: Beyond multitasking, Haddington, Pentti, Tiina Keisanen, Lorenza Mondada and Maurice Nevile (eds.), pp. 247–282 | Article
This paper analyses paramedic emergency interaction as multi-modal multi-activity. Based on a corpus of video-recordings of emergency drills performed by professional paramedics during advanced training, the focus is on paramedics’ participation in multiple joint projects which become… read more
This article advocates an understanding of ‘positioning’ as a key to the analysis of identities in interaction within the methodological framework of conversation analysis. Building on research by Bamberg, Georgakopoulou and others, a performative, interaction-based approach to positioning is… read more
Deppermann, Arnulf 2013 Editorial: Positioning in narrative interactionNarrative Inquiry 23:1, pp. 1–15 | Article
‘Standard language’ is a contested concept, ideologically, empirically and theoretically. This is particularly true for a language such as German, where the standardization of the spoken language was based on the written standard and was established with respect to a communicative situation, i.e.… read more
Deppermann, Arnulf 2010 Future prospects of research on prosody: The need for publicly available corpora: Comments on Margret Selting “Prosody in interaction: State of the art”Prosody in Interaction, Barth-Weingarten, Dagmar, Elisabeth Reber and Margret Selting (eds.), pp. 41–48 | Article
Deppermann, Arnulf 2007 Using the other for oneself: Conversational practices of representing out-group members among adolescentsSelves and Identities in Narrative and Discourse, Bamberg, Michael, Anna De Fina and Deborah Schiffrin (eds.), pp. 273–301 | Article
Lucius-Hoene, Gabriele and Arnulf Deppermann 2000 Narrative Identity Empiricized: A Dialogical and Positioning Approach to Autobiographical Research InterviewsNarrative Identity, Bamberg, Michael and Allyssa McCabe, pp. 199–222 | Article
Narrative identity has achieved a scientific status as an elaborate concept of the storied nature of human experience and personal identity. Yet, many questions remain as to its empirical substrate. By exploring the pragmatic aspect of narrative research interviewing, i.e., the performative and… read more