Jeffrey Steele
List of John Benjamins publications for which Jeffrey Steele plays a role.
Chapter 2. Approaches and methods for the study of the L2 production of French segmentals and prosody Approaches and Methods in French Second Language Acquisition Research, Howard, Martin (ed.), pp. 20–43 | Chapter
2025 This chapter reviews common approaches and methods in studies of the effects of crosslinguistic influence, input, and training/instruction as well as development and individual variability in second language learners’ production of French segmentals and prosody. Discussion focuses first on… read more
Voicing-dependent cluster simplification asymmetries in Spanish and French Segmental and prosodic issues in Romance phonology, Prieto, Pilar, Joan Mascaró and Maria-Josep Solé (eds.), pp. 109–129 | Article
2007 In the present work, we build upon the proposal outlined in Colantoni & Steele (2005b) that asymmetrical patterns of Spanish and French stop-liquid cluster simplification are conditioned by liquid type and stop voicing. Specifically, using data from four Romance varieties (Argentine and Chilean… read more
A representational licensing-based account of asymmetries in the L2 acquisition of place Inquiries in Linguistic Development: In honor of Lydia White, Slabakova, Roumyana, Silvina Montrul and Philippe Prévost (eds.), pp. 189–211 | Article
2006 Parallels in process: Comparing Haitian Creole and French learner phonologies L2 Acquisition and Creole Genesis: Dialogues, Lefebvre, Claire, Lydia White and Christine Jourdan (eds.), pp. 331–352 | Article
2006 Phonetically-Driven Epenthesis Asymmetries In French and Spanish Obstruent-Liquid Clusters Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Romance Linguistics: Selected papers from the 34th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Salt Lake City, March 2004, Gess, Randall and Edward J. Rubin (eds.), pp. 77–96 | Article
2005 A constraint-based analysis of intraspeaker variation: Vocalic epenthesis in Vimeu Picard Current Issues in Romance Languages: Selected papers from the 29th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Ann Arbor, 8–11 April 1999, Satterfield, Teresa, Christina Tortora and Diana Cresti (eds.), pp. 317–335 | Article