Anja Voeste

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anja Voeste plays a role.


Language Development: The lifespan perspective

Edited by Annette Gerstenberg and Anja Voeste

Subjects Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics
Gerstenberg, Annette and Anja Voeste 2015 Investigating the lifespan perspectiveLanguage Development: The lifespan perspective, Gerstenberg, Annette and Anja Voeste (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Article
Voeste, Anja 2015 Proficiency and efficiency: Why German spelling changed in Early Modern timesThe Historical Sociolinguistics of Spelling, Villa, Laura and Rik Vosters (eds.), pp. 248–259 | Article
In Late Medieval and Early Modern times, the modernization of printing and the increasing proficiency of related crafts had an impact on spelling. The challenges of microtypography, especially of text alignment, led to a bundle of new spelling variants that annoyed early grammatography.… read more
Voeste, Anja 2015 Tired mind or tired hand? Linguistic changes in the private letters of a Baltic German noblemanLanguage Development: The lifespan perspective, Gerstenberg, Annette and Anja Voeste (eds.), pp. 167–188 | Article
During the years 1856–1902 the Baltic German nobleman Eduard von Oettingen wrote regularly to his wife Julie. Comparing three different time phases (letters written at the age of 27–30, 45–49 and 66–69), I will discuss potential age-dependent changes in syntactic complexity, lexical frequency as… read more
Voeste, Anja 2007 Traveling through the lexicon: “Self-organized” spelling changesConstraints on Spelling Changes, Nottbusch, Guido and Eliane Segers (eds.), pp. 89–102 | Article
Between the 15th and 17th centuries, German spelling underwent essential changes. Although most writers and typesetters were well acquainted with the high degree of formalization of Latin grammar and orthography, the changes were not brought about by principles planned ex ante or by application of… read more