Prashant Pardeshi

List of John Benjamins publications for which Prashant Pardeshi plays a role.


Ideophones, Mimetics and Expressives

Edited by Kimi Akita and Prashant Pardeshi

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 16] 2019. ix, 325 pp.
Subjects Phonology | Semantics | Theoretical linguistics
Akita, Kimi and Prashant Pardeshi 2019 Introduction: Ideophones, mimetics, and expressives: Theoretical and typological perspectivesIdeophones, Mimetics and Expressives, Akita, Kimi and Prashant Pardeshi (eds.), pp. 1–10 | Chapter
Kishimoto, Hideki, Peter Edwin Hook and Prashant Pardeshi 2018 Chapter 3. Displaced modification: Picture-noun constructions in Marathi and JapaneseTopics in Theoretical Asian Linguistics: Studies in honor of John B. Whitman, Nishiyama, Kunio, Hideki Kishimoto and Edith Aldridge (eds.), pp. 45–72 | Chapter
The picture-noun construction in Marathi has a constituent structure in which the imagee-NP marked with genitive case appears outside the participial complement clause, i.e. it does not appear as a direct argument to the verb in the complement clause. It is shown that Japanese has the same type of… read more
Hook, Peter Edwin and Prashant Pardeshi 2017 Noun-modifying constructions in MarathiNoun-Modifying Clause Constructions in Languages of Eurasia: Rethinking theoretical and geographical boundaries, Matsumoto, Yoshiko, Bernard Comrie and Peter Sells (eds.), pp. 293–329 | Article
We provide a detailed description of the types of noun-modifying constructions in Marathi whose counterparts in Japanese are considered to be structurally comparable. We show that in Marathi, while one type of relative construction and one type of noun-complement clause are formally distinct, there… read more
Pardeshi, Prashant and Peter Edwin Hook 2015 Blowing hot, hotter, and hotter yet: Temperature vocabulary in MarathiThe Linguistics of Temperature, Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Maria (ed.), pp. 471–490 | Article
In this paper we present a comprehensive description of temperature vocabulary in Marathi, an Indo-Aryan language spoken in the state of Maharashtra, India. We discuss (i) the lexical distinctions that divide up the temperature spectrum, (ii) syntactic distinctions made in the evaluation of… read more
Hook, Peter Edwin and Prashant Pardeshi 2009 The semantic evolution of 'eat'-expressions: Ways and bywaysThe Linguistics of Eating and Drinking, Newman, John (ed.), pp. 153–172 | Article
The act of consuming food occupies a central place in our day-to-day lives and the experiential reality associated with it serves as a rich source for a variety of metaphorical extensions across languages. In this paper we focus on two Indo-Aryan languages (Hindi-Urdu and Marathi) and demonstrate… read more
Horie, Kaoru, Prashant Pardeshi and Guy Kaul 2008 10. Transparency vs. Economy: How does Adioukrou resolve the conflict?Asymmetric Events, Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara (ed.), pp. 195–208 | Article
The tripartite distinction of subordinate clauses, i.e. relative, complement, and adverbial clause, is arguably motivated by the differing type of conceptual asymmetry between matrix clause and subordinate clause events encoded by each clause type. The three types of subordinate clauses are also… read more
Horie, Kaoru, Miya Shimura and Prashant Pardeshi 2006 Overt anaphoric expressions, empathy, and the uchi-soto distinction: A contrastive perspectiveEmotive Communication in Japanese, Suzuki, Satoko (ed.), pp. 173–190 | Article
Shibatani, Masayoshi and Prashant Pardeshi 2002 The causative continuumThe Grammar of Causation and Interpersonal Manipulation, Shibatani, Masayoshi (ed.), pp. 85–126 | Article