Luis Pérez-González

List of John Benjamins publications for which Luis Pérez-González plays a role.


ISSN 0924-1884 | E-ISSN 1569-9986


Translation and the Genealogy of Conflict

Edited by Luis Pérez-González

Special issue of Journal of Language and Politics 11:2 (2012) vi, 142 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics


Pérez-González, Luis 2012 Translation, interpreting and the genealogy of conflictTranslation and the Genealogy of Conflict, Pérez-González, Luis (ed.), pp. 169–184 | Article
While the growing ubiquitousness of translation and interpreting has established these activities more firmly in the public consciousness, the extent of the translators’ and interpreters’ contribution to the continued functioning of cosmopolitan and participatory postmodern societies remains… read more