Anna M.T. Bosman

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anna M.T. Bosman plays a role.

Chamalaun, Robert, Anna M.T. Bosman and Mirjam Ernestus 2021 The role of grammar in spelling homophonous regular verbsWritten Language & Literacy 24:1, pp. 38–80 | Article
Can a lack of grammatical knowledge alone be held accountable for the spelling errors that are made for homophonous verb forms and do these errors occur because spellers do not apply their grammatical knowledge? Three experiments with secondary school pupils were conducted on Dutch weak prefix… read more
Bosman, Anna M.T. and J.L.M. Schraven 2017 How to teach children reading and spellingDevelopmental Perspectives in Written Language and Literacy: In honor of Ludo Verhoeven, Segers, Eliane and Paul van den Broek (eds.), pp. 277–293 | Chapter
The effectiveness of the Dutch reading and spelling didactic ‘How to teach children reading and spelling’ (HTCRS), developed by Schraven (1994/2013) was empirically tested in children attending special education. HTCRS is based on the principles of direct and classroom instruction, and the task… read more
Cordewener, Kim A.H., Anna M.T. Bosman and Ludo Verhoeven 2015 Implicit and explicit instruction: The case of spelling acquisitionWritten Language & Literacy 18:1, pp. 121–152 | Article
This study examined the influence of implicit and explicit instruction for the acquisition of two types of Dutch spelling rules: a morphological and a phonological rule. A sample of 193 first grade, low- and high skilled spellers was assigned to an implicit-instruction, explicit-instruction, or… read more
Leerdam, Martin van, Anna M.T. Bosman and Annette M.B. de Groot 2009 When MOOD rhymes with ROAD: Dynamics of phonological coding in bilingual visual word perceptionThe Mental Lexicon 4:3, pp. 303–335 | Article
Three experiments investigated whether perception of a spelling-to-sound inconsistent word such as MOOD involves coding of inappropriate phonology caused by knowledge of enemy neighbors (e.g., BLOOD) in non-native speakers. In a new bimodal matching task, Dutch-English bilinguals judged the… read more
Bosman, Anna M.T., Martijn van Huygevoort, Joep T.A. Bakker and Ludo Verhoeven 2007 Learning to spell in second grade using the spelling checkerConstraints on Spelling Changes, Nottbusch, Guido and Eliane Segers (eds.), pp. 163–183 | Article
The spelling process of Dutch second-grade students using the word processor was studied in three different feedback conditions. In the no-feedback condition, they merely had to type words without being told whether the spelling was correct or not. In one of the feedback conditions they were only… read more
Diepen, Mieke van, Ludo Verhoeven, Cor Aarnoutse and Anna M.T. Bosman 2007 Validation of the International Reading Literacy Test: Evidence from DutchWritten Language & Literacy 10:1, pp. 1–23 | Article
In 2001, the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) conducted a comparative study of reading literacy (PIRLS 2001). A reading comprehension assessment instrument was developed and translated into the languages of 35 participating countries for this purpose.… read more
Although verb spelling is rule-based, it is a relatively difficult aspect of Dutch orthography. Assink (1985) was the first to show that Dutch verb spelling is affected by two factors, namely, frequency of occurrence of the verb and the context in which the verb appears. This study is a… read more
Bosman, Anna M.T. and Janet G. van Hell 2002 Orthography, phonology and semantics: Concerted action in word perceptionPrecursors of Functional Literacy, Verhoeven, Ludo, Carsten Elbro and Pieter Reitsma (eds.), pp. 165–187 | Article