Joep T.A. Bakker

List of John Benjamins publications for which Joep T.A. Bakker plays a role.


Bosman, Anna M.T., Martijn van Huygevoort, Joep T.A. Bakker and Ludo Verhoeven 2007 Learning to spell in second grade using the spelling checkerConstraints on Spelling Changes, Nottbusch, Guido and Eliane Segers (eds.), pp. 163–183 | Article
The spelling process of Dutch second-grade students using the word processor was studied in three different feedback conditions. In the no-feedback condition, they merely had to type words without being told whether the spelling was correct or not. In one of the feedback conditions they were only… read more
Stoep, Judith, Joep T.A. Bakker and Ludo Verhoeven 2002 Parental and teacher commitment in emergent literacy developmentPrecursors of Functional Literacy, Verhoeven, Ludo, Carsten Elbro and Pieter Reitsma (eds.), pp. 249–264 | Article