This chapter explores two competing models of adaptation of discourses: self-containment and contamination. The first model is contradictorily a non-adaptable framework that scales the social circulation of text and talk as expandable, i.e. scalable, yet seemingly un-modifiable in its expansion.… read more
This paper examines two hypotheses concerning the relationship between language and violence. (1) Language does not merely represent violence, but enacts its own type of violence. (2) The use of violent language participates in the demarcation of political and subjective viability in the public… read more
The Complexo do Alemão, a group of 12 favelas in Rio de Janeiro, attracted the attention of Brazilian and International corporate media when the police and the army ‘pacified’ the favelas in 2010. Part of a broader political and economic project to make Rio de Janeiro ‘safe for large-scale events,… read more