Donald Stilo

List of John Benjamins publications for which Donald Stilo plays a role.


Stilo, Donald 2018 Numeral classifier systems in the Araxes-Iran linguistic areaThe Diachrony of Classification Systems, McGregor, William B. and Søren Wichmann (eds.), pp. 135–164 | Chapter
This corpus-based study discusses numeral classifiers (NCs) in neighboring languages of disparate origins: Azerbaijani (Turkic) and within Indo-European both colloquial Armenian and Vafsi (NW Iranian). Colloquial Tehran Persian and some other smaller Iranian languages, an additional Armenian… read more
Stilo, Donald 2004 11. Coordination in three Western Iranian languages: Vafsi, Persian and GilakiCoordinating Constructions, Haspelmath, Martin (ed.), pp. 269–330 | Chapter
1.Introduction 1.1 Vafsi, Persian and Gilaki 1.2 The sets of coordinate conjunctions 1.3 Historical origins and derivations 1.4 Stress and intonation 1.5 Background grammatical information: Vafsi 2. Conjunctive coordination 2.1 Main points 2.2 Noun phrase… read more