Maite Taboada

List of John Benjamins publications for which Maite Taboada plays a role.


Book series


Subjects Discourse studies | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Pragmatics | Romance linguistics
This article focuses on the question of whether online news comments are like face-to-face conversation or not. It is a widespread view that online comments are like “dialogue”, with comments often being referred to as “conversations”. These assumptions, however, lack empirical back-up. In order… read more
Goddard, Cliff, Maite Taboada and Radoslava Trnavac 2019 The semantics of evaluational adjectives: Perspectives from Natural Semantic Metalanguage and AppraisalFunctions of Language 26:3, pp. 308–342 | Article
We apply the Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) approach (Goddard & Wierzbicka 2014) to the lexical-semantic analysis of English evaluational adjectives and compare the results with the picture developed in the Appraisal Framework (Martin & White 2005). The analysis is corpus-assisted, with… read more
I present an overview of the concept of coherence in discourse and explore how one of the essential elements to that coherence, relational coherence, has been studied and partitioned in different discourse traditions. I then introduce one of the theories that deals with discourse coherence,… read more
Taboada, Maite, Marta Carretero and Jennifer Hinnell 2016 Loving and hating the movies in English, German and SpanishGenre- and Register-related Discourse Features in Contrast, Lefer, Marie-Aude and Svetlana Vogeleer (eds.), pp. 127–160 | Article
We present a quantitative analysis of evaluative language in a genre in which it is particularly prominent, that of movie reviews. The data chosen are non-professional consumer-generated reviews written in English, German and Spanish. The reviews are analysed in terms of the categories of Attitude… read more
Carretero, Marta and Maite Taboada 2014 Graduation within the scope of Attitude in English and Spanish consumer reviews of books and moviesEvaluation in Context, Thompson, Geoff † and Laura Alba-Juez (eds.), pp. 221–240 | Article
This chapter reports research on evaluative language in English and Spanish consumer-generated reviews on books and movies. Within the Appraisal framework, a contrastive study is carried out on the spans of Graduation embedded in spans of Attitude in 64 reviews. A qualitative analysis, covering a… read more
Taboada, Maite, Marta Carretero and Jennifer Hinnell 2014 Loving and hating the movies in English, German and SpanishGenre- and register-related discourse features in contrast, Lefer, Marie-Aude and Svetlana Vogeleer (eds.), pp. 127–161 | Article
We present a quantitative analysis of evaluative language in a genre in which it is particularly prominent, that of movie reviews. The data chosen are non-professional consumer-generated reviews written in English, German and Spanish. The reviews are analysed in terms of the categories of Attitude… read more
Acartürk, Cengiz, Maite Taboada and Christopher Habel 2013 Cohesion in multimodal documents: Effects of cross-referencingInformation Design Journal 20:2, pp. 98–110 | Article
Taboada, Maite 2009 Implicit and explicit coherence relationsDiscourse, of Course: An overview of research in discourse studies, Renkema, Jan (ed.), pp. 127–140 | Article
Taboada, Maite 2006 Spontaneous and non-spontaneous turn-takingPragmatics 16:2/3, pp. 329–360 | Article
Turn-taking is usually considered to follow a simple set of rules, enacted through a perhaps more complicated system of signals. The most significant aspect of the turn-taking process is that, in most cases, it proceeds in a very smooth fashion. Speakers signal to each other that they wish to… read more
Taboada, Maite 2005 Anaphoric terms and focus of attention in English and SpanishThe Dynamics of Language Use: Functional and contrastive perspectives, Butler, Christopher S., María de los Ángeles Gómez González and Susana M. Doval-Suárez (eds.), pp. 197–218 | Article
Taboada, Maite 2004 Rhetorical relations in dialogue: A contrastive studyDiscourse Across Languages and Cultures, Moder, Carol Lynn and Aida Martinovic-Zic (eds.), pp. 75–97 | Article
Taboada, Maite and Julia Lavid-López 2003 Rhetorical and thematic patterns in scheduling dialogues: A generic characterizationFunctions of Language 10:2, pp. 147–178 | Article
This paper provides a corpus-based generic characterization of appointment-scheduling dialogues — a type of task-oriented conversation — by concentrating on the rhetorical and thematic choices made by the speakers that produce them. The analytical tools used for this study are Rhetorical Structure… read more