Aaricia Ponnet

List of John Benjamins publications for which Aaricia Ponnet plays a role.


Baten, Kristof and Aaricia Ponnet 2023 Chapter 4. Extending PT to split ergative marking and differential object marking: Some hypotheses for L2 HindiProcessability and Language Acquisition in the Asia-Pacific Region, Kawaguchi, Satomi, Bruno Di Biase and Yumiko Yamaguchi (eds.), pp. 91–114 | Chapter
This chapter proposes a developmental sequence for the L2 acquisition of two linguistic phenomena in Hindi, namely split ergativity and differential object marking. The proposal builds on the universal key mechanisms of Processability Theory, i.e., the transfer of grammatical information between… read more
Ponnet, Aaricia, Kristof Baten and Saartje Verbeke 2016 The acquisition of differential object marking in Hindi as a foreign languageDutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 5:2, pp. 101–125 | Article
This article explores a grammatical structure — differential object marking (DOM) — that is particularly difficult for L2 learners to acquire. DOM is a phenomenon in which some direct objects are morphologically marked and others are not. In Hindi, animate direct objects are always marked with… read more