Ayelet Kohn

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ayelet Kohn plays a role.

Weizman, Elda and Ayelet Kohn 2022 Resemblance in comments/posts interaction: Forms and functions of dialogicityDialogicity in Political Discourse, Weizman, Elda and Zohar Livnat (eds.), pp. 861–884 | Article
This paper studies dialogicity in posts and their comments. Focusing on political slogans in the Facebook page of Israel PM Binyamin Netanyahu, we examine the ways comments meta-represent the posts in various degrees of resemblance. Starting with the premise that comments/post interactions are… read more
This paper examines the contribution of multimodal strategies in challenging aspects of public discourse about people with disabilities. It looks into media texts that were created by people with disabilities, in which the topic of disability is not a metaphor or a narrative prosthesis, but a… read more
The 2017 adaptation of Anne Frank’s diary into a graphic novel by Ari Folman and David Polonsky is addressed in this article as a case of indirect translation, a concept developed by Ernst-August Gutt on the basis of relevance theory. According to Gutt, indirect translation “interpretively… read more
The new dialogic, conversational nature of television broadcast news (Hamo, 2009) poses a challenge to traditional commentators, who are forced to move from an authoritative monologue to a confrontational dialogue that requires additional flexibility and conversational skills. The paper focuses… read more