Didier Demolin

List of John Benjamins publications for which Didier Demolin plays a role.


Phonetics of the Origins and Evolution of Speech

Edited by Didier Demolin and Jean-Marie Hombert

Special issue of Evolution of Communication 3:1 (1999) 103 pp.
Subjects Evolution of language | Phonology

Sound Change

Edited by Marc Dominicy and Didier Demolin

[Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 9] 1994. 158 pp.
Subjects Phonetics | Phonology
Demolin, Didier and Alain Soquet 1999 The role of self-organisation in the emergence of phonological systemsPhonetics of the Origins and Evolution of Speech, Demolin, Didier and Jean-Marie Hombert (eds.), pp. 21–48 | Article
The origin of phonological systems is examined from the paradigm of self-organization. We claim that phonological systems could have emerged as the product of self-organizing processes. Self-organization may have facilitated the evolution of structures within the sounds that humans were able to… read more
Demolin, Didier and Jean-Marie Hombert 1999 Guest Editors' PrefacePhonetics of the Origins and Evolution of Speech, Demolin, Didier and Jean-Marie Hombert (eds.), p.  | Miscellaneous
Dominicy, Marc and Didier Demolin 1994 IntroductionSound Change, Dominicy, Marc and Didier Demolin (eds.), p.  | Miscellaneous
Demolin, Didier 1988 Some Problems of Phonological Reconstruction in Central SudanicPhonological Reconstruction, Dominicy, Marc and Juliette Dror (eds.), pp. 53–95 | Article