Patrick Dendale

List of John Benjamins publications for which Patrick Dendale plays a role.



Edited by Philippe De Brabanter and Patrick Dendale

[Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 22] 2008. 276 pp.
Subjects Theoretical linguistics

Modal Verbs in Germanic and Romance Languages

Edited by Johan van der Auwera and Patrick Dendale

[Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 14] 2000. vi, 264 pp.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Romance linguistics | Semantics | Syntax
De Brabanter, Philippe and Patrick Dendale 2008 Commitment: The term and the notionsCommitment, De Brabanter, Philippe and Patrick Dendale (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Article
This volume brings together thoroughly reworked versions of a selection of papers presented at the conference The Notion of Commitment in Linguistics, held at the University of Antwerp in January 2007. It is the companion volume to a collection of essays in French to be published in Langue… read more
Auwera, Johan van der and Patrick Dendale 2000 IntroductionModal Verbs in Germanic and Romance Languages, Auwera, Johan van der and Patrick Dendale (eds.), pp. v–vi | Miscellaneous