Ilse Depraetere

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ilse Depraetere plays a role.


Modality and Diachronic Construction Grammar

Edited by Martin Hilpert, Bert Cappelle and Ilse Depraetere

[Constructional Approaches to Language, 32] 2021. v, 251 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Modal Meaning in Construction Grammar

Edited by Bert Cappelle and Ilse Depraetere

Special issue of Constructions and Frames 8:1 (2016) vi, 129 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Functional linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Tense and Aspect: The contextual processing of semantic indeterminacy

Edited by Svetlana Vogeleer, Walter De Mulder and Ilse Depraetere

[Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 12] 1998. x, 226 pp.
Subjects Semantics
Hilpert, Martin, Bert Cappelle and Ilse Depraetere 2021 Modality in Diachronic Construction Grammar: Long-standing questions, new perspectivesModality and Diachronic Construction Grammar, Hilpert, Martin, Bert Cappelle and Ilse Depraetere (eds.), pp. 1–11 | Chapter
When an ambiguous lexical item appears within a familiar string of words, it can instantly receive an appropriate interpretation from this context, thus being saturated by it. Such a context may also short-circuit illocutionary and other pragmatic aspects of interpretation. We here extract from… read more
Cappelle, Bert and Ilse Depraetere 2016 Modal meaning in Construction GrammarModal Meaning in Construction Grammar, Cappelle, Bert and Ilse Depraetere (eds.), pp. 1–6 | Article
Cappelle, Bert and Ilse Depraetere 2016 Short-circuited interpretations of modal verb constructions: Some evidence from The Simpsons Modal Meaning in Construction Grammar, Cappelle, Bert and Ilse Depraetere (eds.), pp. 7–39 | Article
In this paper we aim to show how distinct semantic and pragmatic layers of modal interpretation can be fruitfully integrated within a constructionist approach. We discuss in detail a number of cases from the Simpsons where a modal verb, as part of a longer expression, has a short-circuited… read more
Cappelle, Bert and Ilse Depraetere 2016 Response to HilpertModal Meaning in Construction Grammar, Cappelle, Bert and Ilse Depraetere (eds.), pp. 86–96 | Article
Depraetere, Ilse 1998 Review of Greenbaum (1996): The Oxford English GrammarFunctions of Language 5:2, pp. 257–264 | Review
Vogeleer, Svetlana, Walter De Mulder and Ilse Depraetere 1998 IntroductionTense and Aspect: The contextual processing of semantic indeterminacy, Vogeleer, Svetlana, Walter De Mulder and Ilse Depraetere (eds.), pp. v–ix | Article
Several linguists have pointed out that the past tense has the implicature that the situation it refers to is no longer the case at the moment of speaking (cf. John lived in London in 1985, but he no longer does). In this article, it is argued that in certain types of sentences the implicature… read more