Luis Cerezo

List of John Benjamins publications for which Luis Cerezo plays a role.


Leow, Ronald P., Luis Cerezo, Allison Caras and Gorky Cruz 2019 Chapter 8. CALL in ISLA: Promoting depth of processing of complex L2 Spanish “Para/Por” prepositionsDoing SLA Research with Implications for the Classroom: Reconciling methodological demands and pedagogical applicability, DeKeyser, Robert M. and Goretti Prieto Botana (eds.), pp. 155–178 | Chapter
Despite the current curricular push for hybridization in language programs, research on ISLA provides little guidance as to what and how syllabus content can be migrated online. Cerezo, Caras, and Leow (2016) recently showed that videogames using guided induction (GI) can successfully promote… read more