Doris Schüpbach
List of John Benjamins publications for which Doris Schüpbach plays a role.
Chapter 10. Nominal address and introductions in three national varieties of German: Intralinguistic variation and pragmatic transfer to English It's different with you: Contrastive perspectives on address research, Baumgarten, Nicole and Roel Vismans (eds.), pp. 245–271 | Chapter
2023 Using a large-scale survey, we explore reported nominal address and introduction routines in first encounters at international academic conferences. Our focus is on variation in such routines among respondents originating in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in their first language (L1) German… read more
Introductions at international academic conferences: Address and naming in three national varieties of English It’s not all about you: New perspectives on address research, Kluge, Bettina and María Irene Moyna (eds.), pp. 375–396 | Chapter
2019 This chapter investigates preferred introduction routines in first encounters in the context of international academic conferences where English is used as the conference language. We focus on reported use of first and last names as well as titles in introductions in American, Australian and… read more
Chapter 7. On the relation between linguistic and social factors in migrant language contact Language Structure and Environment: Social, cultural, and natural factors, De Busser, Rik and Randy J. LaPolla (eds.), pp. 149–176 | Article
2015 With a rich migration history, the Australian context has provided a fascinating and fertile landscape through which to explore the patterns of linguistic and sociolinguistic variation which arise when languages and cultures are transplanted from earlier, often bilingual, environments to a new… read more
Pronominal address in German: Rules, anarchy and embarrassment potential Address from a World Perspective, Kretzenbacher, Heinz L., Catrin Norrby and Jane Warren (eds.), pp. 17.1–17.18 | Article
2006 Choice of address forms, a socially crucial feature in German communication, is context-dependent on situations (a) where the unmarked form of address is du (T), (b) where it is Sie (V), and (c) where the two systems (a and b) coexist. The first two situations are, apart from their fuzzy edges,… read more