Magdalena Szczyrbak

List of John Benjamins publications for which Magdalena Szczyrbak plays a role.


Online Health Communication: Expert and Lay Dialogic Practices

Edited by Anna Tereszkiewicz and Magdalena Szczyrbak

Special issue of Language and Dialogue 14:2 (2024) vi, 200 pp.


Szczyrbak, Magdalena 2024 Experto crede: Patient knowledge formation in health communities on FacebookOnline Health Communication: Expert and Lay Dialogic Practices, Tereszkiewicz, Anna and Magdalena Szczyrbak (eds.), pp. 268–296 | Article
The article explains the processes involved in knowledge sharing and support giving in an open FB forum dedicated to endometriosis. It builds on the existing understanding of experiential knowledge, as well as adopts Jovchelovitch’s (2007) perspective on knowledge diversity and representation… read more
Tereszkiewicz, Anna and Magdalena Szczyrbak 2024 Online health communication: Expert and lay dialogic practicesOnline Health Communication: Expert and Lay Dialogic Practices, Tereszkiewicz, Anna and Magdalena Szczyrbak (eds.), pp. 171–182 | Introduction