Maria Graziano

List of John Benjamins publications for which Maria Graziano plays a role.



This study examines the use of two recurring pragmatic gestures, Palm Presentation or PP and Palm with a Lateral Movement or PL gestures (Kendon 2004), in Italian children aged between 4 and 10. Results indicate that PP is absent in 4-and 5-year-olds, while PL is observed in association with… read more
Capirci, Olga, Carla Cristilli, V. De Angelis and Maria Graziano 2011 Chapter 14. Learning to use gesture in narratives: Developmental trends in formal and semantic gesture competenceIntegrating Gestures: The interdisciplinary nature of gesture, Stam, Gale and Mika Ishino (eds.), pp. 187–200 | Chapter
This study analyses the way in which children develop their competence in the formal and semantic aspects of gesture. The analysis is focused upon the use of representational gestures in a narrative context. A group of 30 Italian children from 4 to 10 years was videotaped while telling a video… read more
Graziano, Maria, Adam Kendon † and Carla Cristilli 2011 Chapter 7. ‘Parallel gesturing’ in adult-child conversationsIntegrating Gestures: The interdisciplinary nature of gesture, Stam, Gale and Mika Ishino (eds.), pp. 89–102 | Chapter
Sometimes a speaker repeats an interlocutor’s gesture, at least partially. Such ‘parallel gesturing’ illustrates how gestures can enter into the conversational exchange along with speech. Here we describe examples observed in adult-child conversations (children between 3 and 9 years). Four contexts… read more