Christopher Lucas
List of John Benjamins publications for which Christopher Lucas plays a role.
Continuity and Change in Grammar
Edited by Anne Breitbarth, Christopher Lucas, Sheila Watts and David Willis
Subjects Functional linguistics | Generative linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Language contact plays a key part among the factors leading to change in grammars, and yet the study of syntactic change, especially in the generative or innatist tradition, has tended to neglect the role of contact in this process. At the same time, work on contact-induced change remains largely… read more
This article discusses two classes of so-called ‘weak definites’, arguing that their (definite) form is misleading as to their (non-definite) semantics, and outlining a diachronic explanation for why each of these classes (observable in sentences such as Let’s go to the pub and He came to the bank… read more
Breitbarth, Anne, Christopher Lucas, Sheila Watts and David Willis 2010
Introduction: Continuity and change in grammar Continuity and Change in Grammar, Breitbarth, Anne, Christopher Lucas, Sheila Watts and David Willis (eds.), pp. 1–10 | Article
The present volume brings together 16 contributions selected from papers presented at the conference on Continuity and Change in Grammar that took place at the University of Cambridge 18–20 March 2008. The aim of the conference was to foster an exchange of ideas on various aspects of linguistic… read more