Korrie van Helvert

List of John Benjamins publications for which Korrie van Helvert plays a role.

Byrdina, Arina en Korrie van Helvert 2002 Text Composition in a Second Language: L1 Transfer or L2 Proficiency?Taal en bewustzijn, pp. 95–105 | Article
We investigated the influence of the language of writing (L1 versus L2) and the condition of writing (direct writing vs. writing via translation) on generic (obligatory and compositional) elements and discourse patterns (idea units and speech act functions) of texts composed by L2 writers with… read more
Most research on factors influencing educational achievement uses large-scale quantitative methods and statistics that show that different ethnic groups do vary in their educational achievement or success. The authors present the outcomes of three comparable qualitative multiple case studies… read more
The author reports some data of the research project she is conducting at the Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Nijmegen (on the acquisition of Dutch by Turkish children in verbal interaction with native peers). The study may be characterized as a longitudinal multiple case-study of… read more