Tim Denham
List of John Benjamins publications for which Tim Denham plays a role.
Chapter 10. Becoming Austronesian: Mechanisms of language dispersal across southern Island Southeast Asia and the collapse of Austronesian morphosyntax Austronesian Undressed: How and why languages become isolating, Gil, David and Antoinette Schapper (eds.), pp. 447–482 | Chapter
2020 We examine the spread of Austronesian languages as a process that proceeded in different ways at different times, even in the same locale. We examine the many ways a language can show ‘Austronesian traits’, and confront this with the known presence of pre-Austronesian languages across Island… read more
New methodologies for historical linguistics? Calibrating a lexicon-based methodology for diffusion vs. subgrouping Diachronica 29:4, pp. 505–522 | Article
2012 Recent research claims that analysis of lexical cognate classes for a basic wordlist can reproduce linguistic subgroups within the Austronesian family (Gray et al. 2009). The analysis is open to question in two respects. Primarily, the lexically-based classification, primed with pre-established… read more