Scott Wright
List of John Benjamins publications for which Scott Wright plays a role.
Discourses of Fake News
Edited by Scott Wright
Special issue of Journal of Language and Politics 20:5 (2021) vi, 183 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Beyond ‘fake news’? A longitudinal analysis of how Australian politicians attack and criticise the media on Twitter Discourses of Fake News, Wright, Scott (ed.), pp. 719–740 | Article
2021 This article longitudinally analyses how Australian politicians engage with, and attack, journalists and the media more generally on Twitter from 2011–2018. The article finds that attacks on journalists have increased significantly since 2016 when Trump came to power, but this is largely the… read more
Discourses of fake news Discourses of Fake News, Wright, Scott (ed.), pp. 641–652 | Introduction
2021 The impact of ‘super-participants’ on everyday political talk Re/constructing Politics Through Social & Online Media: Discourses, ideologies, and mediated political practices, Krzyżanowski, Michał and Joshua A. Tucker (eds.), pp. 155–172 | Article
2018 This article analyses the impact of “super-participants” – people who create lots of content, set the agenda, or moderate debates – on everyday online political talk in a non-political online discussion forum – or “third space”. The article finds that there was extensive evidence of… read more
The European Union in Cyberspace: Multilingual Democratic Participation in a virtual public sphere? Languages of the Internet, Menezes, Claudio (ed.), pp. 251–275 | Article
2006 This article analyses the European Union’s Futurum discussion forum. The EU hoped that Futurum would help close the acknowledged gap between institutions and citizens by facilitating a virtual, multilingual, transnational public sphere. Futurum was both an interesting example of how the EU’s… read more