We provide a first systematic account of how interactants manage trouble that is not localizable in talk but rather in embodied conduct in table-top game play. Interventions targeting embodied problems have been termed “remedial actions” (Lerner and Raymond 2021) or “remedies” (Arminen and… read more
The contributions to this Special Issue employ conversation analysis to illustrate how detailed analysis of language use can lead to the identification of assessable features of second/foreign language Interactional Competence (L2 IC) and the development of institutional testing instruments and… read more
OKAY originates from English, but it is increasingly used across languages. This chapter presents data from 13 languages, illustrating the spectrum of possible uses of OKAY in responding and claiming understanding in contexts of informings. Drawing on a wide range of interaction types from both… read more
This chapter sets the context for the articles in the volume – explorations in the use of OKAY in a diverse set of languages, including American English, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Polish, and Swedish. We first outline the… read more
Our paper examines how bodily behavior contributes to the local meaning of OKAY. We explore the interplay between OKAY as response to informings and narratives and accompanying multimodal resources in German multi-party interaction. Based on informal and institutional conversations, we describe… read more
“Mobilizing others” takes a holistic perspective on the practices that we use to get others to act with, and for, us. This introduction reviews recent conceptual developments, notably ‘recruitment’ (Section 1), and then opens up new territory by arguing for a more explicit focus on ‘activity’ in… read more
This chapter discusses three different actions speakers can employ to move between two concurrently ongoing activities, playing cards and talking. Specifically, we describe three turn formats that mobilize another participant to perform the next move in a card game: (1) turns including the… read more
Using conversation analysis, this study examines the relationship between word choice and turn construction. In Siebenbürger Sächsisch, a Romanian settlement variety of German, certain adverbs possess functional variants that exhibit position-sensitivity with respect to their placement in turns in… read more