Florent Perek

List of John Benjamins publications for which Florent Perek plays a role.


Constructions in Applied Linguistics

Edited by Susan Hunston and Florent Perek

Special issue of International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 24:3 (2019) v, 150 pp.
Subjects Computational & corpus linguistics
Subjects Cognition and language | Corpus linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Hilpert, Martin and Florent Perek 2022 You don’t get to see that every day: On the development of permissive getVariation and Grammaticalization of Verbal Constructions, Czicza, Dániel and Gabriele Diewald (eds.), pp. 13–40 | Article
This paper contributes to the study of grammaticalization phenomena from the perspective of Construction Grammar (Coussé et al. 2018). It is concerned with modal uses of the English verb get that express a permitted action, as in The prisoners always get to make one phone call. Different views… read more
Busso, Lucia, Alessandro Lenci and Florent Perek 2020 Valency coercion in Italian: An exploratory studyConstructions and Frames 12:2, pp. 171–205 | Article
The paper investigates valency coercion effects in Italian by means of an acceptability rating task on nine argument structure constructions. The experimental design follows Perek & Hilpert (2014) in presenting three conditions: grammatical, impossible and coercion stimuli. This design allows us… read more
Perek, Florent 2020 Productivity and schematicity in constructional changeNodes and Networks in Diachronic Construction Grammar, Sommerer, Lotte and Elena Smirnova (eds.), pp. 141–166 | Chapter
In Diachronic Construction Grammar, many instances of language change can be captured in terms of variation in the schematicity and productivity of constructions. These two notions are often thought to be interrelated, which suggests that they might be collapsed and treated as essentially the… read more
Perek, Florent and Amanda L. Patten 2019 Towards an English Constructicon using patterns and framesConstructions in Applied Linguistics, Hunston, Susan and Florent Perek (eds.), pp. 354–384 | Article
Recent research in construction grammar has been marked by increasing efforts to create constructicons: detailed inventories of form-meaning pairs to describe the grammar of a given language, following the principles of construction grammar. This paper describes proposals for building a new… read more
This paper describes a method to automatically identify stages of language change in diachronic corpus data, combining variability-based neighbour clustering, which offers objective and reproducible criteria for periodization, and distributional semantics as a representation of lexical meaning.… read more
Perek, Florent and Martin Hilpert 2016 Constructional tolerance: Cross-linguistic differences in the acceptability of non-conventional uses of constructionsConstructions across Grammars, Hilpert, Martin and Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), pp. 131–168 | Article
The present paper investigates the question whether different languages can be categorized into ‘constructionally tolerant’ languages, which grant speakers considerable freedom to combine syntactic constructions with lexical items in non-conventional ways, and ‘valency-driven’ languages, which… read more
This chapter examines the conative construction, e.g., I kicked at the ball, using collexeme analysis. Previous studies report that strong collexemes of a construction provide an indication of its central meaning, from which polysemic extensions are derived. However, the conative construction does… read more
Perek, Florent and Martin Hilpert 2014 Constructional tolerance: Cross-linguistic differences in the acceptability of non-conventional uses of constructionsReflections on Constructions across Grammars, Hilpert, Martin and Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), pp. 266–304 | Article
The present paper investigates the question whether different languages can be categorized into ‘constructionally tolerant’ languages, which grant speakers considerable freedom to combine syntactic constructions with lexical items in non-conventional ways, and ‘valency-driven’ languages, which… read more