Paul Dickerson

List of John Benjamins publications for which Paul Dickerson plays a role.


Dickerson, Paul, Ben Robins and Kerstin Dautenhahn 2013 Where the action is: A conversation analytic perspective on interaction between a humanoid robot, a co-present adult and a child with an ASDAsymmetry and adaptation in social interaction: A micro-analytic perspective, Nomikou, Iris, Karola Pitsch and Katharina Rohlfing (eds.), pp. 297–316 | Article
This paper examines interaction involving a child with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder, a humanoid robot and a co-present adult. In this paper data from one child (collected as part of the ROBOSKIN project) is analysed in order to evaluate the potential contributions of a conversation analytic… read more
Children diagnosed with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are frequently thought to be incapable of using communicative gestures. When children with an ASD undertake motor actions — other than practical actions (such as direct manipulation of the physical environment) — these are often taken to… read more
Robins, Ben, Paul Dickerson, Penny Stribling and Kerstin Dautenhahn 2004 Robot-mediated joint attention in children with autism: A case study in robot-human interactionInteraction Studies 5:2, pp. 161–198 | Article
Interactive robots are used increasingly not only in entertainment and service robotics, but also in rehabilitation, therapy and education. The work presented in this paper is part of the Aurora project, rooted in assistive technology and robot-human interaction research. Our primary aim is to… read more