Christoph Rühlemann

List of John Benjamins publications for which Christoph Rühlemann plays a role.


Subjects Computational & corpus linguistics | Corpus linguistics | Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Barthel, Mathias and Christoph Rühlemann 2025 Chapter 7. Pupil size indicates planning effort at turn transitions in natural conversationMobile Eye Tracking: New avenues for the study of gaze in social interaction, Zima, Elisabeth and Anja Stukenbrock (eds.), pp. 189–207 | Chapter
The study investigates the cognitive demands of speech planning in unrestricted, natural conversation. Focusing on question-answer sequences in triadic interactions, we analyse whether answerers, compared to not-answerers, exhibit increased cognitive effort during turn transitions. Using pupil… read more
Zima, Elisabeth, Peter Auer and Christoph Rühlemann 2025 Chapter 2. Why research on gaze in social interaction needs mobile eye trackingMobile Eye Tracking: New avenues for the study of gaze in social interaction, Zima, Elisabeth and Anja Stukenbrock (eds.), pp. 24–67 | Chapter
This chapter challenges the prevailing practice in ethnomethodologically inspired interaction research (EMCA) of recording and analyzing gaze in social interactions from an observer’s perspective. Contrary to the assumption that this perspective is ‘natural’, we demonstrate systematic divergence… read more
Rühlemann, Christoph and Stefan Th. Gries 2021 How do speakers and hearers disambiguate multi-functional words? The case of well Functions of Language 28:1, pp. 55–80 | Article
Well is an exemplary multi-functional word performing pragmatic and syntactic functions. That multi-functionality poses a potential problem: How do hearers in conversation determine which function is actualized and how do speakers project the function actualized? We address both questions… read more
Rühlemann, Christoph 2020 Turn structure and insertsInternational Journal of Corpus Linguistics 25:2, pp. 186–215 | Article
Turns-at-talk often do not start with their main business but rather with a pre-start (Sacks et al., 1974). This paper investigates the correlation of pre-starts with inserts, one of three major word classes (Biber et al., 1999). Based on the BNC’s mark-up, I investigate how inserts are… read more
Rühlemann, Christoph 2020 What dialog is absent from constructed dialog?English Text Construction 13:2, pp. 132–157 | Article
This paper is concerned with constructed dialog in conversational storytelling. Based on Clark & Gerrig’s (1990) demonstration theory, its focus is on what is absent from constructed dialog. To determine what is absent, a comparison is made between constructed dialog tokens and utterances in… read more
Rühlemann, Christoph 2018 TCU-initial backchannel overlap in storytellingNarrative Inquiry 28:2, pp. 257–279 | Article
While overlap represents one of the major mainstays of conversation-analytic research, the phenomenon of overlap involving backchannels in TCU-initial position has largely gone unnoticed. This study addresses this gap focusing on backchannels occurring in overlap in storytelling interaction. The… read more
Rühlemann, Christoph and Brian Clancy 2018 Corpus linguistics and pragmaticsPragmatics and its Interfaces, Ilie, Cornelia and Neal R. Norrick (eds.), pp. 241–266 | Chapter
Pragmatics and corpus linguistics were long considered mutually exclusive. In recent years, however, common ground has been discovered thus paving the way for the new field of corpus pragmatics. This chapter shows that corpus pragmatics integrates the qualitative methodology typical of… read more
Recent analyses of written text types have discovered significant frequency increases of colloquial or conversational elements, such as contractions, personal pronouns, questions or the progressive. This trend is often referred to as colloquialization. This paper presents a new perspective on… read more
Rühlemann, Christoph, Andrej Bagoutdinov and Matthew Brook O'Donnell 2013 Windows on the mind: Pauses in conversational narrativeErrors and Disfluencies in Spoken Corpora, Gilquin, Gaëtanelle and Sylvie De Cock (eds.), pp. 59–91 | Article
This paper investigates four different types of pauses in conversational narrative: the filled pauses er and erm, and short and long silent pauses. The study is based on the Narrative Corpus (NC), a recently created corpus of everyday narratives. The texts, which include both the narrative and some… read more
Rühlemann, Christoph, Andrej Bagoutdinov and Matthew Brook O'Donnell 2011 Windows on the mind: Pauses in conversational narrativeErrors and Disfluencies in Spoken Corpora, Gilquin, Gaëtanelle and Sylvie De Cock (eds.), pp. 198–230 | Article
This paper investigates four different types of pauses in conversational narrative: the filled pauses er and erm, and short and long silent pauses. The study is based on the Narrative Corpus (NC), a recently created corpus of everyday narratives. The texts, which include both the narrative and some… read more
“situationally defined varieties” (Biber et al. 1999:5) have advanced the study of conversational grammar considerably. This paper questions the use of writing-based conceptual frameworks and terminologies in the description of conversational grammar. It is argued that conversation as the major… read more