Wolf Dietrich
List of John Benjamins publications for which Wolf Dietrich plays a role.
Missionary Linguistics III – Lingüística misionera III: Morphology and Syntax. Selected Papers from the Third and Fourth International Conferences on Missionary Linguistics, Hong Kong/Macau, 12–15 March 2005, Valladolid, 8–11 March 2006. Ed. by Otto Zwartjes, Gregory James & Emilio Ridruejo. Historiographia Linguistica 35:3, pp. 439–445 | Review
2008 On the Linguistic Relationship Between Mawé and Tupí-Guaraní Diachronica 14:2, pp. 265–304 | Article
1997 SUMMARY In this paper the authors systematically compare the phonemes and main morphological features of the Amazonian language Mawe with those of the Tupi-Guaranian languages as a contribution to understanding the disputed position of Mawe in the Tupi linguistic stock - as a member of the… read more
La questione delle perifrasi grammaticali XIV Congresso Internationale di Linguistica e Filologia Romanza: Napoli, 15–20 Aprile 1974. ATTI, Varvaro, Alberto (ed.), pp. III-477–III-483 | Article
1978 G. Ménage, J. G. Eckhart und L. A. Muratori: Zur Entwicklung der etymologischen Forschung im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert In Memoriam Friedrich Diez: Akten des Kolloquiums zum Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Romanistik/Actes du Colloque sur l'Histoire des Etudes Romanes/ Proc, Niederehe, Hans-Josef and Harald Haarmann (eds.), pp. 77–104 | Article