Elke Diedrichsen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Elke Diedrichsen plays a role.


Subjects Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Causation, Permission, and Transfer: Argument realisation in GET, TAKE, PUT, GIVE and LET verbs

Edited by Brian Nolan, Gudrun Rawoens and Elke Diedrichsen

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 167] 2015. vi, 499 pp.
Subjects Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Functional linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Diedrichsen, Elke 2022 On the interaction of core and emergent common ground in Internet memesThe Pragmatics of Internet Memes, Xie, Chaoqun (ed.), pp. 85–121 | Chapter
Internet memes are meaningful objects of diverse shapes that spread across networks of mediated participation (term from Milner 2012: 10). The distribution and reception of memes bears aspects of communicative interaction, because memes establish usage conventions. This paper will be concerned… read more
Diedrichsen, Elke 2020 On the interaction of core and emergent common ground in Internet memesThe Pragmatics of Internet Memes, Xie, Chaoqun (ed.), pp. 223–259 | Article
Internet memes are meaningful objects of diverse shapes that spread across networks of mediated participation (term from Milner 2012: 10). The distribution and reception of memes bears aspects of communicative interaction, because memes establish usage conventions. This paper will be concerned… read more
The paper argues in favor of including cultural aspects in the description of communicative interaction. According to Eco (1976), a linguistic sign is a cultural unit. In order to use it properly, a speaker relies on communicative experience with this unit within a culture (Wittgenstein 1960;… read more
Verbs with separable prefixes are one of many existing realisations of discontinuous complex predicates in German. Their syntactic structure follows the widely described sentence bracket structure, in that the finite verb base opens the bracket at the second position in the sentence, while the… read more
Diedrichsen, Elke 2014 A Role and Reference Grammar parser 
for GermanLanguage Processing and Grammars: The role of functionally oriented computational models, Nolan, Brian and Carlos Periñán-Pascual (eds.), pp. 105–142 | Article
This paper describes the development of a sentence parser for German based on Role and Reference Grammar (RRG). German has a number of characteristics which are very challenging to a computational approach to syntactic processing that is semantically motivated. These include the German sentence… read more
Diedrichsen, Elke 2013 Auxiliary selection in German: Constructional gradience with perfect formationArgument Structure in Flux: The Naples-Capri Papers, Gelderen, Elly van, Jóhanna Barðdal and Michela Cennamo (eds.), pp. 405–434 | Article
The phenomenon of variance in auxiliary selection with haben and sein for perfect formation is very well known from a number of languages, and it is widely discussed. Recent models assume that sets of ranked criteria act as the semantic basis for auxiliary selection. Sorace’s hierarchical model… read more
The paper will explore the theoretical scope of the concept “construction”, as envisaged in Constructional approaches to grammar. Starting from the Role and Reference Grammar notion of Constructions, as represented in “Constructional Schemas”, it will be argued that Constructional Schemas as… read more
Nolan, Brian and Elke Diedrichsen 2013 IntroductionLinking Constructions into Functional Linguistics: The role of constructions in grammar, Nolan, Brian and Elke Diedrichsen (eds.), pp. vii–xx | Article
The paper will account for the regularities of word order with German main declarative clauses by using the RRG framework. The question whether the so-called “Vorfeld” (“prefield”)-position can be equated with the RRG-notion of precore slot (PrCS) will be explored. It will be shown that operator… read more