The paper deals with the script choices made by bilingual Russian-German children when they are asked to compose texts in their Russian heritage language. Furthermore, the relationship between script choice and overall proficiency in the heritage language is investigated. We compare two different… read more
The paper deals with parental input and its role for heritage language maintenance by second generation speakers of Russian in Germany. Based on the data collected from one family, we investigate the realization of Voice Onset Time (VOT) in Russian by the parents and their… read more
The paper analyzes verb placement of heritage speakers of Russian in contexts where German has a fixed position of the finite verb: V2 in declarative main clauses and V-final in subordinate clauses. Russian exhibits a neutral SVO order in both cases, but verb placement is in general dependent on… read more
Our paper discusses methods of capturing linguistic diversity in urban areas. One of these methods is “linguistic landscaping”, which we use not only in the traditional manner, but also with substantial additions to include the communicative process in which the signs are used. To compensate for… read more
The paper deals with the formation and use of the two variants of the analytic future tense in Polish by Polish-German bilinguals. Two groups of Polish-German bilinguals were examined: (i) early bilinguals who were already born in Germany or came to Germany before entering school (= heritage… read more
This study investigates the acquisition of gender agreement marking in Polish noun phrases. It thus sheds light on the general acquisition of noun gender in Polish which, in most cases, can be predicted by the auslaut of the noun. Whether a child knows the gender of a given noun is indicated by… read more