René Dirven †
List of John Benjamins publications for which René Dirven † plays a role.
Titles (13) | Order by:
Cognitive English Grammar
Günter Radden and René Dirven †
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive linguistics | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Cognition and language
Subjects Cognition and language | Pragmatics
Subjects Cognition and language | History of linguistics | Philosophy | Pragmatics
Subjects Cognition and language
On Conditionals Again
Edited by Angeliki Athanasiadou and René Dirven †
Subjects Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive psychology | Discourse studies | Language acquisition | Pragmatics
Subjects Cognition and language | Psycholinguistics | Semiotics
Subjects Pragmatics | Semantics
Articles (33) | Order by:
Dirven, René †, Roslyn M. Frank and Cornelia Ilie 2001
Introduction Language and Ideology: Volume 2: descriptive cognitive approaches , Dirven, René †, Roslyn M. Frank and Cornelia Ilie (eds.), pp. 1–26 | Miscellaneous
Niemeier, Susanne and René Dirven † 2000
Preface Evidence for Linguistic Relativity , Niemeier, Susanne and René Dirven † (eds.), pp. vii–viii | Preface
Dirven, René † 1999
Conversion as a Conceptual Metonymy of Event Schemata Metonymy in Language and Thought , Panther, Klaus-Uwe and Günter Radden (eds.), pp. 275–288 | Article
Athanasiadou, Angeliki and René Dirven † 1997
Conditionality, hypotheticality, counterfactuality On Conditionals Again , Athanasiadou, Angeliki and René Dirven † (eds.), pp. 61–96 | Article
Dirven, René † and Vilém Fried 1987
By way of introduction Functionalism in Linguistics , Dirven, René † and Vilém Fried (eds.), pp. ix–xviii | Miscellaneous
Dirven, René † and Wolf Paprotté 1985
Introduction The Ubiquity of Metaphor: Metaphor in language and thought , Paprotté, Wolf and René Dirven † (eds.), pp. vii–iii | Miscellaneous
On of the major concerns in the tradition of foreign language teaching has been the question of how FL learners learn new vocabulary. This issue comprises two questions, i.e. how are FL words grasped in their complex meanings and how are they remembered? In this paper this dual issue is tackled by… read more