Heidi Byrnes

List of John Benjamins publications for which Heidi Byrnes plays a role.


Task-Based Language Learning – Insights from and for L2 Writing

Edited by Heidi Byrnes and Rosa M. Manchón

[Task-Based Language Teaching, 7] 2014. xi, 312 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching | Writing and literacy
Taking an educational linguistics perspective, the chapter highlights four areas that have the potential of illuminating possible effects of L2 writing for L2 learning. They address pressing issues by (a) theorizing writing as textual meaning-making; (b) emphasizing the pivotal role of the… read more
Byrnes, Heidi 2020 Chapter 10. Envisioning L2 writing development in CDST under a curricular optic: A proposalComplex Dynamic Systems Theory and L2 Writing Development, Fogal, Gary G. and Marjolijn H. Verspoor (eds.), pp. 241–270 | Chapter
The chapter presents an integrated proposal for viewing CDST-inspired inquiry into L2 writing development under a curricular optic. After establishing the need for an object theory of language that aligns with the principles of complexity theory, it considers how the educational setting itself,… read more
In this article I argue that contributing to professional organizations is a particularly beneficial way of finding personal and professional enrichment and opportunities for creative and meaningful engagement toward addressing language-related societal issues. Such an engagement can continue to… read more
The article argues that an important challenge for TBLT, as a fundamentally education-oriented effort within language teaching and learning studies, is to arrive at a foundation for the construct of ‘task’ that captures its holistic understanding of language, language use, and language learning in… read more
The chapter argues that advantageous synergies between task and L2 writing can come about through a bidirectional link between them that recovers existing shared interests and discovers new commonalities. It suggests that a multiple literacies orientation that focuses on textual meaning-making… read more
This chapter explores the link between task and writing by taking an education-oriented view, in order to contribute to answering the question of how L2 writing development to advanced ability levels might best be fostered through genre-oriented TBLT instruction. A companion to the theoretical… read more
Byrnes, Heidi and Rosa M. Manchón 2014 Task-based language learning: Insights from and for L2 writing - an introductionTask-Based Language Learning – Insights from and for L2 Writing, Byrnes, Heidi and Rosa M. Manchón (eds.), pp. 1–23 | Article
In this introduction we provide an overview of the intended contribution of the volume to TBLT theory and research. It starts from the perspective that TBLT-oriented theoretical framing and explicitly theorized empirical research endeavours have, in general, taken oral communication as their main… read more
Byrnes, Heidi and Rosa M. Manchón 2014 Task, task performance, and writing development: Advancing the constructs and the research agendaTask-Based Language Learning – Insights from and for L2 Writing, Byrnes, Heidi and Rosa M. Manchón (eds.), pp. 267–299 | Article
This closing chapter aims to assess the contribution of the book to TBLT theory and research and to put forward directions for advancing TBLT constructs and research agendas. We consider the volume’s overall contribution to the TBLT field to lie in linking the psycholinguistic with the textual,… read more
The chapter argues that one way to advance the L2 writing agenda is to conceptualize learning-to-write and writing-to-learn as inseparable. The paper draws on Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) as developed by Halliday for its conceptual and analytical apparatus. In particular, it highlights the… read more
Byrnes, Heidi 2009 Chapter 21. The role of task and task-based assessment in a content-oriented collegiate FL curriculumTask-Based Language Teaching: A reader, Van den Branden, Kris, Martin Bygate and John M. Norris (eds.), pp. 477–494 | Article
This article explores the role of task and task-based assessment in a collegiate foreign language (FL) department that shifted its entire undergraduate curriculum from a form-based normative approach to a language-use and language-meaning orientation for instruction. It examines how the demands for… read more
Byrnes, Heidi, Cori Crane, Hiram H. Maxim and Katherine A. Sprang 2006 Taking Text to Task: Issues and Choices in Curriculum Construction1Task-Based Language Teaching, Van den Branden, Kris and Machteld Verhelst (eds.), pp. 85–109 | Article
This article argues that the construct of task can provide a principled and effective foundation for the development of extended, multi-year curricula and pedagogies for second/foreign language learning of adults. That assertion is made with an important condition: "task" must be expanded, both… read more