Jakob Neels
List of John Benjamins publications for which Jakob Neels plays a role.
Reduction or expansion? A bit of both: A case study on the development of German degree modifiers Grammaticalization meets Construction Grammar, Coussé, Evie, Peter Andersson and Joel Olofsson (eds.), pp. 137–168 | Chapter
2018 This paper presents a diachronic analysis of the German quantifier/degree-modifier constructions ein bisschen (‘a bitDIM’) and ein wenig (‘a little’). On the basis of data from two historical corpora, we examine to what extent these constructions followed a grammaticalization path comparable to the… read more
The history of the quasi-auxiliary use(d) to: A usage-based account Journal of Historical Linguistics 5:2, pp. 177–234 | Article
2015 This article is a corpus-based study on the grammaticalization of the quasi-auxiliary use(d) to. It describes and seeks to explain the historical process whereby use(d) to, starting from the Middle English source construction use ‘be in the habit of’ + to + verb, grammaticalized into a habitual… read more