The paper reports the results of four experiments that were meant to investigate the availability of distributive readings in three types of French sentences, which involved singular indefinite DPs in the object position but differed with respect to the syntax of the subject DP (def-plDP, groupDP,… read more
We describe the syntax and morphology of the genitival construction of Romanian, and we insist on the syntactic analysis of some peculiar properties of these constructions: the alternation between genitives introduced by the agreeing particle al and those without al, the status of this agreeing… read more
Romanian collective nouns do not allow plural agreement on the verb, unlike in British English. But when a collective noun is used with a partitive quantifier (e.g. o parte din guvern “part of the government”), plural agreement is possible. We propose an analysis for partitive quantification, which… read more
This paper defends a unified characterization of se-verbs and argues that the passive and middle readings are contextually triggered. The analysis points out that the derivations of agents is independent of the edge properties of ‘little’ v, and thus deviates from Raposo & Uriagereka (1996). The… read more
The analysis of the generic readings of Bare Singulars in Brazilian Portuguese is controversial: for Munn & Schmitt (1999, 2005) and Schmitt & Munn (2002) generic Bare Singulars are names of kinds, whereas for Müller (2002) they are indefinites bound by a generic operator. This paper provides two… read more
Romanian, as well as certain varieties of Spanish (but not Iberian Spanish, French or Italian) allow the clitic doubling of direct objects (indirect objects will be left out here),1 a phenomenon that is subject to clear crosslinguistic differences: in Spanish, but not in Romanian, clitic doubling… read more
This article shows that important differences between Romanian and Spanish with respect to the clitic doubling phenomenon are not due to a parametric variation in the clitic systems of the two languages, but to a specific mechanism of relative clause formation that we propose for Romanian. Our… read more