Annabel Gràcia i Damas

List of John Benjamins publications for which Annabel Gràcia i Damas plays a role.


Lleida – its official Catalan name – is part of the Catalan linguistic community and this has been instrumentalized for ulterior motives on various occasions. The most blatant example was the Franco regime’s attempt to prise Lérida – its official Spanish name – from the rest of… read more
Gràcia i Damas, Annabel 2019 Renunciar als trets lingüístics propis: “Per a Lleida ja ‘no’ està bé”The Intricacy of Languages, Feliu, Francesc and Olga Fullana (eds.), pp. 347–358 | Chapter
Stereotypes of Lleida and its people along with the stigmatization of its dialect have hindered the linguistic and emotional wellbeing which any community requires. On the contrary, they have empowered the low self-esteem that exudes from the legendary sentence: “It is good enough for Lleida.” … read more