Maria del Mar Suárez

List of John Benjamins publications for which Maria del Mar Suárez plays a role.

Miralpeix, Imma, Ferran Gesa and Maria del Mar Suárez 2024 Vocabulary learning from audiovisual input at first exposure in young adult novice learnersAudiovisual Input and Second Language Learning, Muñoz, Carmen and Imma Miralpeix (eds.), pp. 199–220 | Chapter
In this ‘First Exposure’ (FE) study, 106 Catalan/Spanish young adults proficient in English watched a short advert with the audio in English and subtitles in Polish, a language they were not familiar with. Results indicated that vocabulary learning took place, as their meaning recognition scores… read more
Pattemore, Anastasia, Maria del Mar Suárez, Maribel Montero Perez and Carmen Muñoz 2024 The role of language aptitude in learning L2 constructions from captioned and uncaptioned audiovisual inputAudiovisual Input and Second Language Learning, Muñoz, Carmen and Imma Miralpeix (eds.), pp. 176–198 | Chapter
This chapter discusses the effects of aptitude on learning L2 grammatical constructions from TV series with or without captions. Study 1 involved 69 Catalan/Spanish learners of English (EFL) who watched ten episodes of an English TV series, and targeted grammatical constructions learning. Study… read more
Young learners’ L1s preference, cognitive development and bilingual status might influence their performance on language aptitude tests, particularly if these are language-dependent. The objective of this study was to test the validity, reliability and consistency across populations of two such… read more
Suárez, Maria del Mar and Carmen Muñoz 2011 Aptitude, age and cognitive development: The MLAT-E in Spanish and CatalanEUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 11 (2011), Roberts, Leah, Gabriele Pallotti and Camilla Bettoni (eds.), pp. 5–29 | Article
In the validation studies of the Modern Language Aptitude Test-Elementary (MLAT-E) (Carroll & Sapon 1967) and its Spanish version, the MLAT-ES (Stansfield & Reed 2005), the total scores across grades increase unsteadily. At no point, though, has this increase been discussed. Similar results are… read more