Gert Rijlaarsdam

List of John Benjamins publications for which Gert Rijlaarsdam plays a role.


Learning and Teaching L2 Writing

Guest-edited by Daphne van Weijen, Elke Van Steendam and Gert Rijlaarsdam

Special issue of ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 156 (2008) iii, 351 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language policy | Language teaching | Multilingualism
Rijlaarsdam, Gert, Elke Van Steendam and Daphne van Weijen 2023 Chapter 2. Writing process studies. Struggling with complexities: Looking back, moving forwardResearch Methods in the Study of L2 Writing Processes, Manchón, Rosa M. and Julio Roca de Larios (eds.), pp. 34–59 | Chapter
This chapter discusses validity parameters for studies on writing processes in a second or foreign language (L2). To that end, Cook and Campbell’s validity framework, which discerns four types of validity, i.e., statistical, internal, construct and external validity, has been used. The chapter… read more
Rijlaarsdam, Gert, Phuong Nam T. Nguyen, Tanja Janssen and Wilfried Admiraal 2020 Effects of rhetorical text analysis on idea generation and text qualityITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 171:2, pp. 280–306 | Article
Producing a meaningful written discourse in a foreign language requires a high cognitive effort of EFL learners. They face challenges caused by L2 word or grammar-related difficulties, and also by the L2 genre and genre conventions that may be quite different from what they experienced in their… read more
Koek, Martijn, Tanja Janssen, Frank Hakemulder and Gert Rijlaarsdam 2016 Literary reading and critical thinking: Measuring students’ critical literary understanding in secondary educationScientific Study of Literature 6:2, pp. 243–277 | Article
Previous research suggests that literary reading may involve critical thinking. This involvement may facilitate critical literary understanding (CLU), i.e. understanding the literary text in a reconstructive, de-automatized manner. However, little is known about the cognitive processes this… read more
Janssen, Tanja, Martine Braaksma, Gert Rijlaarsdam and Huub van den Bergh 2012 Flexibility in reading literature: Differences between good and poor adolescent readersScientific Study of Literature 2:1, pp. 83–107 | Article
Previous research has shown that adolescent readers differ in their ‘online’ processing of literary texts. Differences were found in the extent to which these readers performed certain (meta)cognitive and affective activities while reading literary texts. However, readers might also differ in… read more
Weijen, Daphne van, Elke Van Steendam and Gert Rijlaarsdam 2008 Special issue on Learning and Teaching L2 WritingLearning and Teaching L2 Writing, Weijen, Daphne van, Elke Van Steendam and Gert Rijlaarsdam (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Editorial
Weijen, Daphne van, Huub van den Bergh, Gert Rijlaarsdam and Ted J.M. Sanders 2008 Differences in Process and Process-Product Relations in L2 WritingLearning and Teaching L2 Writing, Weijen, Daphne van, Elke Van Steendam and Gert Rijlaarsdam (eds.), pp. 203–226 | Article
This study examines whether writers vary how they write under influence of the changing task situation when writing in a second language (L2) and, if so, whether differences in the way they write are related to variations in text quality. Twenty first year students wrote four texts each in their L2… read more
In order to provide textbook authors with empirical data on the acquisition in Dutch of written morphology in nouns, verbs and adjectives, several empirical studies have been undertaken. In this article, the third study reports on the performance of the morpheme -e in a special case of adjectives… read more
Couzijn (Couzijn, 1995; Couzijn & Rijlaarsdam 1996) showed that learning to write and read argumentative texts is facilitated by observation tasks. Compared with executing the exercises themselves, observing others executing the tasks proved to be more beneficial in learning and transfer. In this… read more
In order to provide authors of text books with empirical data on the acquisition in Dutch of written morphology in nouns, verbs and adjectives, several empirical studies were undertaken. In this article, the second study is reported on the performance of the morpheme -en in a special case of… read more
Oostdam, Ron en Gert Rijlaarsdam 1996 Strategie-Onderwijs in Mondelinge TaalvaardigheidSpreken in moedertaal en vreemde taal, pp. 93–102 | Article
It is assumed that language education can gain considerable profit when more attention is given to the process of language learning and processing. In other words, it is not enough to look at what pupils are doing, but also at how they are doing it. More attention to the process means a shift… read more
The results of two studies on writing processes are discussed. One study is about the relationship between cognitive activities and text quality in L1, the other on the relationship between Ll-writing profiency and cognitive activities during L2-writing tasks. It is argued that writing tasks in L2… read more
In this article a survey is given of the domain of oracy skills that will be the subject of a periodical repeated nationwide assessment study. The domain for the assessment of eleven-year-old pupils is restricted by two principles. a. The assessment includes communicative behaviour in testing… read more