Rachel Schiff
List of John Benjamins publications for which Rachel Schiff plays a role.
Spelling Aleph א in Hebrew: The influence of spelling-to-sound regularity and frequency Written Language & Literacy 27:1 | Article
2024 Spelling words containing phonologically and orthographically irregular letters presents a significant challenge for young writers. This study investigates the impact of spelling-to-sound regularity and different types of frequency on the spelling of Hebrew verbs with the root letter Aleph א.… read more
Sociocultural factors in children’s written narrative production Written Language & Literacy 9:2, pp. 213–246 | Article
2006 Narrative themes, such as search and discovery, are universal and transcend the modularity of language, culture, time, and physical setting. Narratives share a cohesive organizational structure. This study, by assessing children’s written versions, examines their understanding and integration of… read more