Hans-Jürgen Bäse

List of John Benjamins publications for which Hans-Jürgen Bäse plays a role.


Bäse, Hans-Jürgen 1968 Jíří Levý, Umení prekladu (Die Kunst der Übersetzung)Babel 14:2, p.  | Review
Bäse, Hans-Jürgen 1967 Was ist ein Fachübersetzer?Babel 13:2, pp. 77–84 | Article
SUMMARY The author investigates into the German conceptions connected with the German word "Fachübersetzer" (technical translator), and endeavours to define the German term "Fachgebiet" (special field) as its definitions are entirely indistinct. The author arrives at the result that a technical… read more