Jackson T.-S. Sun

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jackson T.-S. Sun plays a role.


Gserskad and Rdoskad are two recently uncovered Tibetic dialect chains spoken on the northern border of Rngaba (Aba) and Dkarmdzes (Ganzi) Prefectures in northwestern Sichuan. Despite their many points of difference and only partial intelligibility, Gserskad and Rdoskad show a special affinity… read more
Tian, Qianzi and Jackson T.-S. Sun 2023 格西霍爾語的示證範疇 [Evidentiality in Dgeshes Horpa]Language and Linguistics 24:3, pp. 540–563 | Article
霍爾語群分佈於川西阿壩、甘孜兩州六個縣,屬於漢藏語系羌語支嘉戎語組。本文沿用並進一步闡釋Tournadre & LaPolla對示證式的修正定義,系統介紹中部霍爾語格西話謂語的示證範疇。格西話採用零標記及三種後綴構成的「四元對立」示證體系。說話者報導敘實、自知、過去親歷、現場親察等情況時,對訊息有高度的掌握,無需添加任何示證標記;而三種示證後綴分別代表說話者掌握度較低的三類訊息,即現場察知的「新知」訊息、事後方知的「後知」訊息、以及二手轉知的「旁知」訊息。此外尚有兩種動詞成分可表達近似示證的語意,然而尚未充分語法化成為示證體系的一部分。格西話示證體系的形式與用法都有鮮明的特點, read more
Lavïa, spoken in a belt across both sides of the Yunnan-Myanmar border, is an under-researched Wa language falling under the Waic subgroup of Palaungic in the Austroasiatic language family. This study investigates the sound system of Lavïa and traces its development from an ancestral… read more
Tian, Qianzi and Jackson T.-S. Sun 2019 格西霍爾語動詞的時與體 [On tense and aspect in the Gexi Horpa verb]Language and Linguistics 20:3, pp. 451–468 | Article
霍爾語是四川境內較少人知的語群,屬於漢藏語系羌語支嘉戎語組。本文首度詳細介紹中部霍爾語格西話動詞的時-體範疇。保守的嘉戎語組語言,動詞均採「三分式」時-體系統,一般以方向前綴區別完整體與非完整體,以不同的詞幹標記過去與非過去時。相較於這種保守的形態格局,格西話動詞的時-體系統有數項重要的創新:(一)動詞詞幹交替大幅簡化,標註時間的功能基本喪失;(二)方向前綴從體標記轉成「相對過去時」標記,可通用的相對過去前綴də-開始逐步取代其他前綴,且有聚焦於動作結果的延伸功能;(三)以贅語式造出一般非完整體及「持續體」構造。這些重要的創新既源自內部衍變的機制,也明顯受到本地主流藏語的接觸影響。 read more
Va, an obscure language of Southwestern Yunnan, belongs to the Wa-Lawa cluster under the Waic subgroup of Palaungic in the Austroasiatic language family. This article presents an overview of Va synchronic phonology and an account of its evolution from the Proto-Wa-Lawa sound system reconstructed… read more