Heidrun Dorgeloh

List of John Benjamins publications for which Heidrun Dorgeloh plays a role.


Subjects Discourse studies | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Pragmatics | Syntax


Dorgeloh, Heidrun and Anja Wanner 2009 Formulaic argumentation in scientific discourseFormulaic Language: Volume 2. Acquisition, loss, psychological reality, and functional explanations, Corrigan, Roberta, Edith A. Moravcsik, Hamid Ouali and Kathleen Wheatley (eds.), pp. 523–544 | Article
Dorgeloh, Heidrun 2005 Patterns of agentivity and narrativity in early science discourseOpening Windows on Texts and Discourses of the Past, Skaffari, Janne, Matti Peikola, Ruth Carroll, Risto Hiltunen and Brita Wårvik (eds.), pp. 83–94 | Article
Between the 15th century and today there have been significant changes in the organisation of scientific discourse, previously identified as developments towards more literate styles (Biber & Finegan 1997) or less narrativity (Atkinson 1992, 1996). This paper argues that such changes affect the… read more