Paul Kent Andersen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Paul Kent Andersen plays a role.


Subjects Comparative linguistics | Syntax | Typology
The purpose of this paper is to present a new interpretation of Dionysios Thrax’s original definition of diáthesis. Diáthesis was regarded as one of seven morphological categories of the (finite) verb of which there were two and only two formal variants, i.e., enérgeia “performance” and páthos… read more
Andersen, Paul Kent 1992 Review of Tobin (): Semiotics and linguisticsStudies in Language 16:1, pp. 249–254 | Review
Andersen, Paul Kent 1987 Zero-Anaphora and Related Phenomena in Classical TibetanStudies in Language 11:2, pp. 279–312 | Article