Alessandro Lenci

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alessandro Lenci plays a role.

Busso, Lucia, Alessandro Lenci and Florent Perek 2020 Valency coercion in Italian: An exploratory study*Constructions and Frames 12:2, pp. 171–205 | Article
The paper investigates valency coercion effects in Italian by means of an acceptability rating task on nine argument structure constructions. The experimental design follows Perek & Hilpert (2014) in presenting three conditions: grammatical, impossible and coercion stimuli. This design allows us… read more
Lenci, Alessandro 2014 Carving verb classes from corporaWord Classes: Nature, typology and representations, Simone, Raffaele and Francesca Masini (eds.), pp. 17–36 | Article
In this paper, I discuss some methodological problems arising from the use of corpus data for semantic verb classification. In particular, I present a computational framework to describe the distributional properties of Italian verbs using linguistic data automatically extracted from a large corpus. read more
Johnson, Martina and Alessandro Lenci 2013 Verbs of visual perception in Italian FrameNetAdvances in Frame Semantics, Fried, Mirjam and Kiki Nikiforidou (eds.), pp. 13–49 | Article
In this paper, we present a frame semantic analysis of a small group of Italian verbs expressing visual perception, which constitutes the first stage of a project for developing an Italian FrameNet. Our results show a close correspondence between English and Italian perception-related frames. The… read more
Johnson, Martina and Alessandro Lenci 2011 Verbs of visual perception in Italian FrameNetAdvances in Frame Semantics, pp. 9–45 | Article
In this paper, we present a frame semantic analysis of a small group of Italian verbs expressing visual perception, which constitutes the first stage of a project for developing an Italian FrameNet. Our results show a close correspondence between English and Italian perception-related frames. The… read more