Stavros Skopeteas

List of John Benjamins publications for which Stavros Skopeteas plays a role.


Skopeteas, Stavros, Caroline Féry and Rusudan Asatiani 2018 Chapter 2. Prosodic separation of postverbal material in Georgian: A corpus study on syntax-phonology interfaceInformation Structure in Lesser-described Languages: Studies in prosody and syntax, Adamou, Evangelia, Katharina Haude and Martine Vanhove (eds.), pp. 17–50 | Chapter
A striking property of Georgian intonation is that focused postverbal material is prosodically separated from the core clause. The challenge of the present study is to assess the external validity of this experimental result by means of a corpus study. Corpus data is known to contain immense… read more
Skopeteas, Stavros and Gisbert Fanselow 2010 Focus types and argument asymmetries: A cross-linguistic study in language productionComparative and Contrastive Studies of Information Structure, Breul, Carsten and Edward Göbbel (eds.), pp. 169–198 | Article
The effects of focus on syntax differ across languages: some languages encode focus in situ, while in other languages focus induces an array of constructions that deviate from the canonical configuration, such as non-canonical orders or clefts. This article presents semi-spontaneously produced data… read more