Mikhail Kissine

List of John Benjamins publications for which Mikhail Kissine plays a role.


Cognitive and Empirical Pragmatics: Issues and perspectives

Edited by Gregory Bochner, Philippe De Brabanter, Mikhail Kissine and Daniela Rossi

[Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 25] 2011. v, 208 pp.
Subjects Theoretical linguistics
Bochner, Gregory, Philippe De Brabanter, Mikhail Kissine and Daniela Rossi 2011 IntroductionCognitive and Empirical Pragmatics: Issues and perspectives, Bochner, Gregory, Philippe De Brabanter, Mikhail Kissine and Daniela Rossi (eds.), pp. 1–2 | Article
This paper attempts to identify general, cross-cultural cognitive factors that trigger the default commissive interpretation of assertions about one’s future action. It is argued that the solution cannot be found at the level of the semantics of the English will, or any other future tense marker,… read more
Kissine, Mikhail 2008 Assertoric commitmentsCommitment, De Brabanter, Philippe and Patrick Dendale (eds.), pp. 155–177 | Article
This paper deals with the two kinds of commitment associated with assertive speech acts: the commitment to having justifications for the propositional content and the commitment to the truth of this content. It is argued that the former kind of commitment boils down to the monotonic commitment to… read more
Kissine, Mikhail, Hans Van de Velde and Roeland van Hout 2003 An acoustic study of standard Dutch /v/, /f/, /z/ and /s/Linguistics in the Netherlands 2003, Cornips, Leonie and Paula Fikkert (eds.), pp. 93–104 | Article