Theresa Neumaier

List of John Benjamins publications for which Theresa Neumaier plays a role.


Crossing Boundaries through Corpora: Innovative corpus approaches within and beyond linguistics

Edited by Sarah Buschfeld, Patricia Ronan, Theresa Neumaier, Andreas Weilinghoff and Lisa Westermayer

[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 119] 2024. vi, 265 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
This paper explores the linguistic realisation of threats in a corpus of threatening letters discussed in Late Modern English (lmode) criminal trials at the Old Bailey. After investigating how trial participants ascribe the action of “threatening” to the utterance in question, I examine which… read more
Ronan, Patricia, Sarah Buschfeld, Theresa Neumaier, Andreas Weilinghoff and Lisa Westermayer 2024 Chapter 1. Introduction: Crossing discipline boundaries with corpus‑linguistic methodsCrossing Boundaries through Corpora: Innovative corpus approaches within and beyond linguistics, Buschfeld, Sarah, Patricia Ronan, Theresa Neumaier, Andreas Weilinghoff and Lisa Westermayer (eds.), pp. 1–6 | Chapter
Neumaier, Theresa 2023 New Englishes and Conversation Analysis: Turn-taking as a factor in explaining syntactic variationNew Englishes, New Methods, Wilson, Guyanne and Michael Westphal (eds.), pp. 65–83 | Chapter
This study assesses the potential of using conversation analytic methodology to investigate syntactic variation in New Englishes. It analyses transcripts and audio files of face-to-face interactions between speakers of Caribbean and Southeast Asian Englishes and illustrates how syntax provides… read more