Vilelmini Sosoni
List of John Benjamins publications for which Vilelmini Sosoni plays a role.
Investigating post-editing effort: Does directionality play a role? Developments in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies, Xiao, Kairong and Sandra L. Halverson (eds.), pp. 378–403 | Article
2021 The working environment of translators has changed significantly in recent decades, with post-editing (PE) emerging as a new trend in the human translation workflow, particularly following the advent of neural machine translation (NMT) and the improvement of the quality of the machine translation… read more
Chapter 8. Observing Eurolects: The case of Greek Observing Eurolects: Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU law, Mori, Laura (ed.), pp. 169–198 | Chapter
2018 The present paper presents the findings from the analysis of the Greek corpus of European Union directives spanning the years 1999–2008 (corpus A) and the corpus of the legal instruments used to transpose them into Greek law (corpus B). The aim of the analysis is to verify the existence of a Greek… read more
Multilingualism in Europe: Blessing or curse? Less Translated Languages, Branchadell, Albert and Lovell Margaret West (eds.), pp. 39–47 | Article