Dominique Estival

List of John Benjamins publications for which Dominique Estival plays a role.


This paper reports on the preliminary stages of a project designed to investigate communication problems in General Aviation and assess the utility of language technologies as a means of mitigation. The study presented in this paper is the first of a three-part study, in which we aim to investigate… read more
Estival, Dominique 1989 A Diachronic Study of the English PassiveDiachronica 6:1, pp. 23–54 | Article
SUMMARY The paper presents the results of a quantitative study of the evolution of the passive construction in English. Some of the syntactic environments studied (e.g., the presence of modifiers before the participle, passivization of indirect or prepositional objects, the passive of 'accusative… read more
Estival, Dominique and John Myhill 1988 Formal and Functional aspects of the development from passive to ergative systemsPassive and Voice, Shibatani, Masayoshi (ed.), pp. 441–524 | Article