Marcelo Ferreira
List of John Benjamins publications for which Marcelo Ferreira plays a role.
Chapter 2. Null subjects and finite control in Brazilian Portuguese Minimalist Essays on Brazilian Portuguese Syntax, Nunes, Jairo (ed.), pp. 17–49 | Article
2009 The paper discusses the restricted distribution and interpretation of “referential” null subjects in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). It shows that referential null subjects in BP behave like obligatorily controlled PRO and argues, following Hornstein (1999, 2001), that they should be analyzed as traces… read more
Diminutives In Brazilian Portuguese and Output-Output Correspondence Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Romance Linguistics: Selected papers from the 34th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Salt Lake City, March 2004, Gess, Randall and Edward J. Rubin (eds.), pp. 109–123 | Article