Jonathan Harrington
List of John Benjamins publications for which Jonathan Harrington plays a role.
Disassociating the effects of age from phonetic change: A longitudinal study of formant frequencies Language Development: The lifespan perspective, Gerstenberg, Annette and Anja Voeste (eds.), pp. 9–38 | Article
2015 Our study aimed at disassociating age-related from phonetic changes in broadcasts by British-American radio commentator Alistair Cooke, spanning 60 years. Both the first formant (F1) and fundamental frequency (f0) in non-low vowels showed a falling-rising pattern with increasing age. We argue that… read more
The coarticulatory basis of diachronic high back vowel fronting The Initiation of Sound Change: Perception, production, and social factors, Solé, Maria-Josep and Daniel Recasens (eds.), pp. 103–122 | Article
2012 The study is concerned with the contribution of synchronic consonant-on-vowel coarticulation to the diachronic fronting of high back vowels. The first part of the paper makes use of an empirical analysis of German vowels to explain why high back vowels are more likely to front diachronically than… read more